The information in the BC Student Outcomes survey is collected under Section 26 (a), (c), and (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) and under the Statistics Act, for research purposes only. Your answers will be shared with participating post-secondary institutions, the Industry Training Authority (if you took an apprenticeship or trades foundation program), and the Ministry of Advanced Education & Skills Training, unless you give notice in writing to the Director of BC Stats prior to completion of the survey project.
Your answers will only be used for statistical and research purposes. When survey results are published, your answers will be combined with the answers of others so you cannot be identified.
R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. (Malatest) has been contracted to conduct the survey data collection under the supervision of BC Stats. The contact information provided by your educational institution will only be used to contact you about the survey, and not for any other purpose. Malatest's privacy policy can be found here.
After participating in the survey, should you wish to revoke your permission to collect your information, you may write to the Director of BC Stats at the following address. Questions about the FOIPPA can also be directed to this address.
Provincial Statistician & Director, BC Stats
Ministry of Citizens' Services
PO Box 9410 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC
V8W 9V1
Survey participants with questions about the survey may contact Malatest toll-free at 1-833-224-7237 or email
Survey participants with questions about the privacy policy or the BC Student Outcomes research may contact Kathleen Ham-Rowbottom at BC Stats at 1-778-676-3973 or