Privacy Statement
The Transportation Tomorrow Survey team is dedicated to protecting the privacy of its participants.
The purpose of the survey is to help the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and municipal partner agencies identify travel patterns in the Greater Golden Horseshoe and surrounding area of Ontario, in accordance with the Ministry's transportation planning and road safety mandate under provincial legislation.
Canadian-based research firm R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. is conducting the survey data collection under the direction of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and the University of Toronto and with the highest standards of the protection of privacy and confidentiality. Malatest's privacy policy can be found at
What information do we collect?
- The survey asks questions about characteristics of your household (e.g. dwelling type, household size), the demographics of household members (e.g. age, gender, employment status), workplace locations, schools attended, and details of trips taken by household members in one day, including trip destination, purpose, time of travel, and mode of transportation
- The survey records information on when you completed the survey and how you completed the survey (online or over the phone).
- We also ask you to provide your first name and phone number or email address so that we may follow up with you in case we need to clarify any of your survey answers. Your contact information will never be used for any other purpose without your permission.
How do we use the information collected?
Responses must be collected first in identifiable form for survey validation purposes, but will then have all identifiers securely removed before responses are received by the Ministry or the project partner agencies. Identifying information will never be held by the Ministry at any time. Names, addresses, and phone numbers are destroyed at the conclusion of the survey's data collection phase, unless you explicitly agree to participate in future transportation-related research.
The data will be aggregated (combined with the responses of other participants) when analysed to produce reports on travel patterns. Statistics generated from the data will include average daily trip rates and mode shares for residents, reported by geographies (e.g., by planning district, municipality, or region). Previous reports can be found here: The Ministry and the project partners will also analyse the data to develop transportation models, track trends in average travel patterns, and conduct further analysis to support transportation planning and decision-making.
With whom do we share or disclose this information?
Access to the anonymous version of the data (stripped of identifying information and location coordinates) will be managed by the University of Toronto's Data Management Group (DMG). The DMG will provide controlled access to this anonymous data set to municipal agencies and other partners on this project (listed further below). Any information obtained from participating households and held by the Ministry or the partner agencies will be processed, stored, and used in a form that does not permit any particular household or individual to be identified.
Who can you contact for further information?
For more information, please contact 1-877-216-7786 (toll free), or visit the project website at If you have any further questions about the use of the data, the Ministry of Transportation can be contacted by e-mail at or by telephone at 1-800-268-4686.
Agencies and municipalities that have partnered on this survey are listed below:
Please visit for further information about this research study.